Drumming Marines Back

Drumming Marines is a Colorful program that is inviting & friendly toward all age groups & any one that desire to play this instrument. This is a video-based program that is divided into packages. Each package is designed to take the average student roughly 3 months to complete. You purchase each package (that consist of videos & colorful material) as you need them & progress through the material. You determine when your curiosity for this is satisfied. If your growing interest needs more material, & you can comfortably apply what you have learnt, you simply purchase the next package when you are ready. Each package is R1 500.

To get to know me first. Follow the YouTube link below where I explain how this unique approach to drumming works. If you are exited to continue, head back here & complete your enlistment below!

Have fun!

What is my next step?
1. You Click the 'Shop' button.
2. Make your payment.
3. Download your content.
4. Kick some bass drums...